‘Understanding human emotion is not the same as data and analytics’

If there’s a new technology that can help Mastercard connect with consumers, the company’s CMO Raja Rajamannar will probably try it. But that doesn’t mean he’s laser-focused on the latest tech gizmos—he’s just looking for ways to connect with consumers and put them first.

“A lot of Advertising Week is focused on technology, media, artificial intelligence—all of these are enablers,” said Rajamannar in an interview with Adweek before he took the Advertising Week stage on Tuesday. “For me, the focus has to be a little bit different. It is the consumer. These are all enablers. That’s good. Technology is good. But understanding human emotion is not the same as data and analytics.”


Read the rest here: MasterCard’s CMO Believes Marketers Are Too Focused on the Latest Tech Gadget, Need to Get Back to Basics  Adweek

This was originally published from: http://www.adweek.com/brand-marketing/mastercards-cmo-believes-marketers-are-too-focused-on-the-latest-tech-gadget-need-to-get-back-to-basics/ on

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