Artificial Intelligence (AI) has quickly become a driving force in retail, with Forrester Research predicting earlier this year that investments into AI would triple before 2018. These trends in consumer marketing have primed the pump for widespread use of AI and insight-based marketing in B2B relationships. In fact, recent studies of business buyers show that almost two-thirds of them fully expect AI to anticipate their needs in the near future.

One of the most recognizable examples of B2C AI-driven marketing is preemptive marketing, which includes things like the movies Netflix recommends to you based on your viewing history and ratings, and the products companies like Amazon suggest based on your past purchases. Another example most people are familiar with is targeted advertising. Many ads you’re served online are optimized specifically for you, such as ads on Facebook and other social media that are based on your interests, the accounts you follow, and the links you click.


Read the rest here: How Artificial Intelligence Will Drive B2B Commerce  EContent

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