Social Media Marketing

Social media is the marketing tool of choice for most companies these days. With the growing number of social media channels, social media influencers, and the explosion of content everywhere, marketers can well find it hard to cope with this onslaught of change. Certainly marketing companies stuck in the previous paradigm will find it impossible. Not everyone is that good dealing with change and some people just do not know how to accept that the world is different and how things used to be done is now an aspect of the past. Social media marketing is the present and future, and companies must adjust or be left behind.

It must be noted that just increasing the number of people to take care of the social media needs of a company doesn’t solve the problem. In fact, the more people are involved, the more complicated it gets. That’s the reason why many companies are now turning to artificial intelligence to improve their social media performance. By using AI-powered tools to increase social media effectiveness, companies can save time and use humans for more vital tasks, which is not wasting time on Facebook or shopping on Amazon! That does not help the bottom line at all!

The seven ways in which AI-powered tools are improving social media marketing efficiency are:


  1. Content creation
  2. Content optimization
  3. Customer service
  4. Consumer data
  5. Influencer marketing
  6. Social media monitoring
  7. Buyer personas


Read the rest here: Social media marketing and AI tools: An unbeatable combination for success 



This was originally published from: on

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